czwartek, 12 grudnia 2013

Chatbox - a cool idea for your blog

Start your chatbox journey today!

I was recently working on my blog. I wanted to make it more attractive for my guests. I changed colors, theme and everything I could in fact ;) That was funny to see how easily the whole outlook can be changed. I also decided to change the way I communicate with my visitors. I deleted comments under my posts as they were never really popular. Instead I decided to instal a chatbox. I think this chat for website is much better idea. People prefer to leave shorter messages than the long one. My chatbox works perfectly and my users are so much active now!! If you are currently working on your website or creating a new one, consider having chat on your blog!

środa, 4 grudnia 2013

It's winter again!

Wow, it's winter again! The time passes to fast... I still remember dying from heat in Summer and now I'm freezing because it's so cold ;) Winter isn't my favorite season although it has some nice features - you can go skiing, snowboarding, etc ;) Seems to not be so bad but... when your butt is frozen you just can't be happy :)